Job Category
Showing results: 10 of 246
Are you looking for a work at home opportunity? Get paid training and opportunity for further development too! Are you curious & nimble? You are in the right place!

What's in it for YOU!

Paid train

Hungary, Budapest
Join Transcom as Polish IT Help Desk Technician, delivering exceptional service to our valued customers alongside our warm and professional team, where your efforts make a meaningful impact in the

Hungary, Budapest
You are looking for a Work at home opportunity? Look no further. Get a paid training and opportunity for further development too! Are you curious & nimble? You are in the right place, so are we!

Hungary, Budapest
You are looking for a Work at home opportunity? Look no further. Get a paid training and opportunity for further development too! Are you curious & nimble? You are in the right place, so are we!Wha
Hungary, Budapest
You are looking for a Work at home opportunity? Look no further. Get a paid training and opportunity for further development too! Are you curious & nimble? You are in the right place, so are we!Wha
Hungary, Budapest
Step into the role of a Finnish Speaking Customer Experience Representative, where you'll become a true master of providing exceptional service to our cherished customers.What's in it for YOU:Freed
Hungary, Budapest

Buscamos teleoperadores/as para servicios de atención al cliente.

¿Estás interesado/a o conoces a alguien que pueda estarlo? ¡Inscríbete o pásale este enlace y también podremos valorar su candidatur

Spain, Madrid, Pozuelo de Alarcon

Transcom je vodeća švedska kompanija za pružanje korisničke podrške širom sveta na 33 različita jezika klijentima iz najrazličitijih oblasti.

Ako svoju karijeru vidiš u našem Transcomu, uživaš u int

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka
Dołącz do zespołu obsługującego użytkowników znanej sieci komórkowej. Rozwiń kompetencje przyszłości w obszarze obsługi klienta opartej o nowoczesne rozwiązania (CX) razem z 1200 konsultantami i ko

Poland, Gdańsk
Transcom е шведска компанијa која се истакнува како глобален лидер во светот на БПО индустријата која во Р.С. Македонија има свои канцеларии во Скопје, Тетово и Охрид но, и можности за работа од до

Macedonia, Skopje